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Anna Strampe steht vor einer Backsteinwand und lächelt freundlich in die Kamera

This is

Biobauer Sönke Strampe aus Bad Bevensen lächelt freundlich in die Kamera
Sönks Sßkartoffeln Anna Kreativer Kopf



Sönke Sweet Potatoes - Farmer by Passion

Unser Bioland-Hof in der Lüneburger Heide


I am Sönke, an organic farmer from Bad Bevensen in the Lüneburg Heath in the North of Germany. In 2015, I took over our family farm.

I live and breathe agriculture and, together with my wife Anna, we discovered sweet potato for ourselves. Since 2016, we have been working hard to grow the sweet 'potato' on our own fields around our hometown Bad Bevensen.

We are very proud that we were able to market our first harvest in 2017 already in the regional retail trade. Our sweet potatoes are available in many supermarkets, organic stores, and zero-waste shops in the Lüneburg Heath area. Many markets are regularly supplied by us personally with goods - as long as the harvest of a year lasts.

Since 2018, we have been certified with the Bioland trademark, and we have been able to significantly increase the cultivation area and harvest quantities, so that the organic wholesale trade also distributes our sweet potatoes in the Lüneburg Heath, as well as the greater Bremen and Hamburg area. This allows even more customers to benefit from our organic sweet potatoes. You can find out exactly where to purchase the sweet potatoes here.

By the way, we are constantly working to expand our product portfolio. We keep you up to date on our social media channels.

Feel free to visit us!

This is what we stand for:


  • Regional cultivation in the Lüneburg Heath in Northern Germany

  • Ecological field management

  • Certification according to Bioland guidelines

  • Direct marketing in regional trade

  • Freshly harvested goods - from the region, for the region


​Unsere Süßkartoffeln und weiteres Gemüse aus eigener Ernte könnt ihr in unserem Online-Shop kaufen. Wir bieten euch dort verschiedenen Ernte-Boxen - Versandkosten inklusive. 

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Eine Biene klettert auf der Suche nach Nektar in eine Süßkartoffelblüte



Sönkes Süßkartoffeln Biene Maja
Logo Bioland

Bio-Logical Farming



Since 2018, we, the Strampe Agrar GbR, have been members of the Bioland Association, the leading association for organic farming in Germany.

Our inspection body number is DE-ÖKO-006.

Together with Bioland, the goal of our daily work is to produce high-quality and healthy products, with a particular emphasis on regional marketing, especially in sweet potato production.

In accordance with Bioland guidelines, we aim to operate in harmony with nature and promote biodiversity and sustainability.

By choosing Bioland, we are also saying no to genetic engineering, chemical synthetic fertilizers, and pesticides because, as a Bioland farm, we operate and trade according to strict guidelines that go far beyond the legal minimum standard for organic food!

Our farmland, farm premises, and planted sweet potatoes undergo two inspections by an independent inspector, and the Bioland certification is obtained. For Sönke's sweet potatoes, this means they are 100% organic - and you can enjoy them with a clear conscience!




Ran an die Kartoffeln


Bereits mehrfach hatten wir das Vergnügen, vom „plan b-Filmteam auf unserem Hof begleitet zu werden. So durften wir zeigen, wie wir hier in der Lüneburger Heide den Süßkartoffelanbau gewagt haben, was der Klimawandel mit diesem Schritt zu tun hat, und warum es oft Mut braucht, neue Wege zu gehen.

In den spannenden Reportagen erfahren Zuschauer, wie wir und andere Landwirte einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Kulturenvielfalt auf deutschen Äckern leisten und welche damit einhergehende Herausforderungen gemeistert werden müssen.

Wer mehr über uns und unsere nachhaltige Landwirtschaft erfahren möchte, schaut gerne rein: „Ran an die Kartoffeln“ ist noch bis Anfang 2026 in der ZDF-Mediathek verfügbar!


biobauer sönke erklärt sitzend auf dem feld den süßkartoffelanbau an einer ausgegrabenen süßkartoffel

Best organic products
for our region


Together with many partners, we are part of the pilot project Öko-Modellregion Uelzen, a concept to support and promote organic farming in our region.


With over 50 organic farms and more than 3,600 hectares of organic land, the Öko-Modellregion Uelzen currently accounts for approximately 5% of the total land area. Together, we are working to increase this percentage.

Buying organic products from the Uelzen Heath region is encouraged, for example, by the new ÖKO-REGIONAL-REGAL, which was developed as part of the concept. You will surely encounter it soon in our region. We are proud to be part of it!
Kameramann filmm Süßkartoffel-Landwirt auf dem Feld beim Ausgraben von Süßkartoffeln
Sönke erntet mit den Händen Süßkartoffeln auf seinem Feld und zieht die Knollen aus der Erde

We did it!


What an honor! Sönke was awarded the title "Bioland Farmer of the Year 2022" at the CeresAwards in October. He emerged victorious among the top 3 finalists in the category of "Organic Farming" and received a prize of €1,000. We are incredibly proud of this recognition and are thrilled to have been chosen among all the outstanding applicants.

Biolandwirt des Jahres Sönke Strampe

On our social media channels, you'll always stay up-to-date. Join us there for insights into our farm and daily life in agriculture, especially our sweet potato cultivation. We look forward to having you with us!

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Süßkartoffel Beauregard aufgeschnitten

Sweet Potato Farming Guidance


German sweet potatoes are on trend - demand is rising, and you too are interested in growing them on your own fields?

We are happy to advise you with fundamental information on how to succeed in your own cultivation, what challenges there are, and where to source the necessary materials.

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