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Das Bild zeigt den stoluen Bauern Sönke, der seine frisch geernteten Süßkartoffeln präsentiert

Our Superfood - 
grown in Northern Germany 

The energy miracle of sweet potatoes


Although the name suggests otherwise, sweet potatoes are not related to the familiar and native potatoes we know.


Unlike regular potatoes, sweet potatoes belong to the bindweed family, not the nightshade family.

Since sweet potatoes prefer tropical climates, they are mainly imported from South America and Israel, resulting in long transport distances to Germany.

Sweet potatoes are said to contain a plethora of health-promoting vitamins and minerals and have been declared the most nutritious vegetable by the CSPI (Center for Science in the Public Interest).

In addition to antioxidants, they contain many vitamins that boost the immune system and have many health-promoting properties. For instance, the included potassium is highly sought after by athletes and also helps to alleviate everyday stress.

Furthermore, the vegetable is very rich in fiber, making you feel full quickly and for a longer time. The fiber promotes healthy digestion. The natural folic acid in the tubers is particularly good for pregnant women and women trying to conceive.

Everything on the sweet potato is edible! Unlike regular potatoes, it can also be enjoyed raw and tastes crunchy-sweet when raw. Not only the tubers with skins are suitable for consumption, but also the leaves can be eaten raw, for example, in salads.

The preparation options are very diverse, and there are no limits to your imagination. Give it a try!

Field diversity at its finest


Sometimes oval, sometimes chubby, sometimes slim, serpentine, and pointed - our sweet potatoes grow in various shapes depending on the variety. Sometimes a bit smaller, sometimes a bit larger. The skin mostly has a reddish color and is particularly sensitive right after harvesting.


The delicious flesh is beautifully orange, but the intensity of the color also varies depending on the variety. For years, we've been cultivating Beauregard and Orleans, but we also experiment with other varieties.

The taste of the sweet potato is sweet and mildly nutty. For some, it might even remind them of the taste of carrots.


One thing is for sure - no matter what shapes our sweet potatoes take, we are true fans of them because for us, it's not about perfection in size and shape, but about organic cultivation and responsible handling of our food.

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Full of goodness!


Sönkes Süßkartoffeln Superfood Batate, Lüneburger Heide, Strampe
Sönkes Süßkartoffeln

Provides cell protection

through antioxidants

Packed with B vitamins and healthful properties

Sönkes Süßkartoffeln
Sönkes Süßkartoffeln

Dietary fibers make you feel full quickly and for a long time.

Contains Vitamin C, E, and K

Folic Acid - Particularly healthy for pregnant women and

stroke prevention

Sönkes sweet potatoes

Lots of Vitamin A and beta-carotene -

good for the skin and eyes

Contains many minerals, such as iron, zinc, potassium, magnesium, and calcium.

Sönkes sweet potatoes
Sönkes sweet potatoes
Sönkes Süßkartoffeln

In 2017, we harvested our first marketable sweet potatoes from the Lüneburg Heath in the northern Germany. We are incredibly proud of it! The sweet potato is not just a real super vegetable for us. We were especially convinced by its deliciously sweet and potato-like taste. However, the sweet potato, also known as batata, is considered a true superfood as it contains many vitamins and nutrients.

Der Bauer hält zwei Knollen Süßkartoffeln in den Händen, die frisch aus der Erde kommen.
It's something special to hold the first harvested sweet potatoes in your own hands!

- Sönke Strampe -

Ein Bild in Herbststimmung: zu sehen ist eine Heidepflanze und ein Korb mit vielen Süßkartoffeln.
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