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Whole cooked sweet potato

Quick and easy to prepare in the microwave. It couldn't be easier. Perfect as a side dish or base for many dishes such as sweet potato kumpir, soups or pastries.

Cooked sweet potato on a plate, fresh from the microwave, with a spoon next to it.

Preparation time approx. 12 minutes


  • 1 sweet potato (approx. 200-300g) from Sönkes sweet potatoes

  • Optional: salt, butter or other toppings of your choice


  1. Prepare sweet potatoes

    Wash the sweet potato thoroughly and leave the skin on. Prick it all over with a fork or knife to allow the steam to escape.

  2. Cooking in the microwave

    Place the sweet potato in a microwave-safe container and moisten it slightly with water. Cook at 700 watts for about 10-15 minutes. Cooking time may vary depending on the size of the potato, so check occasionally to see if it is soft. Cook for another 1-2 minutes if necessary.

  3. Serve

    Carefully remove from the microwave (hot!). Cut the sweet potato in half and serve with salt and butter - or fill with toppings such as sour cream, cheese, herbs or vegetables to taste.

Bon appetit!

Tip! This simple preparation method is also perfect as a base for dishes like sweet potato kumpir or for further processing in soups, pastries and more!

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