New Harvest
Now Available!
All information without guarantee - Products may not always be available everywhere and at all times.

LOKO unverpackt
Erikastraße 57
20251 Hamburg
Stückgut - Unverpackt Einkaufen
Am Felde 91
22765 Hamburg
Vitalien Biofachmarkt
Dorotheenstraße 178
22299 Hamburg
Nienstedten Öko-Wochenmarkt
Verkaufstand Grünkorb
Nienstedtener Marktplatz
22609 Hamburg
(Freitags 09:00 – 12:30 Uhr)

Beef & Basics
Hauptstraße 6
29585 Jelmstorf
Wochenmarkt Bad Bevensen
Verkaufsstand Eike Steep
29549 Bd Bevensen
(Freitags, 7:30 - 12:30 Uhr)
Ausgewogen Bio | Nabuko
Von-Estorff-Straße 26
29525 Uelzen
Bioladen Uelzen
Oldenstädter Str. 1
29525 Uelzen
Beef & Basics
Ritterstraße 44
21335 Lüneburg
FrohNatur |
Unverpackt & Regional
An der Eulenburg 28
21391 Reppenstedt
Groß Flottbek Wochenmarkt
Verkaufstand Grünkorb
Fernando-Lorenzen Platz
Osdorfer Landstrasse 1
22607 Hamburg
(Mittwochs 08:00 – 13:00 Uhr,
samstags 08:00 – 13:00 Uhr)
Wochenmarkt Norderstedt Mitte
Verkaufstand Lasse Tamke
Rathausallee 32
22846 Norderstedt
(Donnerstags 09:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Wochenmarkt Garstedt
Verkaufsstand Lasse Tamke
Europaallee 18
22850 Norderstedt
(Freitags 09:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Von Nachbars Höfen
Abholstationen in:
Nienstedten, Eimsbüttel, Winterhude, Barmbek, Marienthal, Marmstorf
und Buchholz

Delivery services in your region
Frischepost Hamburg
Zum Onlineshop
Trust Your Food
Lieferservice; Ernteanteile
in Hamburg, Lüneburg, Uelzen
und Wendland
Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr - Ware möglicherweise nicht immer überall und jederzeit verfügbar.

Sweet potato harvest shares

Don't want to wait until our new harvest hits the shelves and craving sweet potatoes delivered straight to your doorstep? No problem!
Through our partner CrowdFarming®, you can easily adopt a portion of our sweet potato field online and receive the fresh harvest delivered to your home on your preferred date.
In the meantime, we'll keep you updated on the cultivation and development of our sweet potatoes on our social media channels.
So, what are you waiting for? Secure your piece of our sweet potato field now!

Sweet potato harvest shares
Don't want to wait until our new harvest hits the shelves and craving sweet potatoes delivered straight to your doorstep? No problem!
Through our partner CrowdFarming®, you can easily adopt a portion of our sweet potato field online and receive the fresh harvest delivered to your home on your preferred date.
In the meantime, we'll keep you updated on the cultivation and development of our sweet potatoes on our social media channels.
So, what are you waiting for? Secure your piece of our sweet potato field now!